Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Guest bath update

We got lucky moving into our home - it was something we could afford and every room was in immaculate shape. But to me (not my husband) it really only starts to transform into a home after I've had my paint covered little hands on every room. 

Our back guest bathroom has been taunting me for a while. I've had a vision for it but I never go back there so I forget about it. Well folks, I finally got back there.

Here it is before. Loving the rounded shower curtain rod, the marble (duh) the vanity and floor tiles. Okay. Not loving the color or builder grade frame-less mirror and light fixture.

DISCLAIMER: I've already told you photography is NOT my strength. Okay, read on.

 After a fresh coat of paint (thanks to the former frat boy at the paint store), a new light fixture (cha-ching! Thanks Joss and Main) and a frame around the mirror (super thanks to my amazing hubby) I might actually let you come over and use this room.

The paddles were brought back from the Philippines and  I just love them!

Still to do:
- make a new shower curtain ... I'm thinking some wide bold stripes will do
- hang some shelves above the toilet
- a little piece of art by the sink
- hand towel hook and, well, towel

Easy peasy. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

February jump start

For a special little girl about to be born in to a great family. I hope she gets tons of snuggles and tummy time on this special little quilt I made for her. (Excuse the lack of quality of my photos. I always want to take them when the lighting is the worst.)

I've been dying to use this Lilly Belle fabric forever but nothing seemed worthy enough for its use. Until I woke up one day and started cutting. And here we are. Funny how that works out.

I cut pink binding to start. Had a glass of wine and came back and it just wasn't right for it. After lots of digging (and borrowing from my friend) I decided on this black and white print. Totally unexpected. Totally me.

So there it is. My first quilt of February.

Oh, and in case you're wondering, I DID finish a quilt for January. It was a t-shirt quilt for a friend who's father passed away a few years ago. A little bit personal, so I'm going to keep it off of the internet. Some things are too precious to be shared to the world.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Good thing

Lately I've been searching high and low for a sort of storage piece of furniture to hide away my hoard collection of fabric. I had quite a demanding wish list for this fantasy furniture:

- must have nice legs that raise it up off the floor
- must be sturdy
- must have a glass front, or no front at all
- would highly prefer some drawers
- large enough to accommodate all of my craft room crap
- most importantly, must be affordable. room to negotiate the above list if said furniture was under $100.

I searched the edges of the country (or at least my little town) and could not find anything.

 So I began to recite the magic mantra; good things come to those who wait.

And low and behold this beauty fell right in to my lap for $59.

Check, check, check, check, check and CHECK. $59, please and thank you!
I had a really bad itch to do something out of my norm to this guy.
You know, my light blue and white norm. Don't act like you don't notice it.
This color green has really been catching my eye lately. I have been drooling over this china cabinet. Inspiration, check.
It's almost finished! And then I'll show you the final product. Really I could not be more excited to get this thing done and moved in to my sewing room!
On another note, we got a package in the mail today with a very special t-shirt enclosed. Needless to say, my fur-babies are fighting over it, but I think I'm going to steal it for myself! ;)

I hope your weekend is finding you busy and creative!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Happy New Year to you!

I hope you all wrapped up 2013 spending time with some of the people you love the most. I did! It's been a very hectic last couple of months
- my mom came to visit and helped me explore my new town and get my house in order,
- my best friend came to visit and helped me drink a lot of cocktails while decorating my office and we travelled to Savannah. I cannot wait to go back!
- I ran this Tough Mudder race which was an amazing experience. I (predictably) signed up without fully understanding what I was getting in to; I'm so glad I did. I'm already itching to sign up for another one. Wanna go with me?
- I visited my in-laws in Tennessee for Thanksgiving and ate some amazing food and enjoyed the company so much
- I visited a friend's family in Florida, visited my husbands grandparents while in Florida and got a really nice winter tan in the process
- And then I drove 14.5 hours to San Antonio to spend time with my family there. One of the highlights was spending the day with my brother at his job as an EMT for Austin. It was quite eye opening and a great opportunity to see him be a grown up.
Time is flying, and I can't complain. Things are only going to speed up from here. I'm starting school to complete my masters program in a couple weeks, I hope to visit more family in NC and my project list is exponentially growing.
Did you guys make resolution lists this year? I typically don't. But during my countless hours on the road in the last month I realized that the word resolution almost sets me up for failure. 25 years in to this life it's going to be awfully hard to break habits or gain talents cold turkey. Instead, I feel like I'm going to set goals for myself. You may think they're the same thing. Who knows. I just know it makes me feel more optimistic to set goals for myself instead of trying to "resolve" pieces of my life.
Anyway, I'm going to share them with you. Because people say you should share your goals to make you accountable. And who else to hold me accountable but you. And by you, I mean probably just my mom (I think she's the only one who reads this).
In 2014 I hope to:
Do something creative every day.
Get A's in all of my courses.
 Master my yoga handstand.
Create 1 quilt per month.
Run a 1/2 marathon.
Alright there it is. It looks a lot more intimidating on the computer screen.
I already did my creative deed for the day. I treated myself to a Silhouette machine over the holidays and this was my first time to use it. It helped me to cut out all the letters on my wreath above. I just love it. I can't wait to find out what else I can make with it.
Happy New Years and cheers!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Labor Day weekend project

We had FOUR whole days together over this Labor Day weekend; did you for a second think we would spend it not working on a project? I didn't think so.
Let me start by showing you the space we are starting with; the dining room.  Mind you, the amazing photographer that moved out of this house took these photos, maybe I'll try to get some without the watermark...
  I dreamt of a farmhouse style table for. ev. er. And this space is just asking for one. 
I drooled for days, months actually, over this table by Ana White (seriously if you haven't opened up her blog, do it. now.) She is amazing. Now on my list of people I would love to take some lessons from. Thankfully she publishes her blog for free!
Now, enough of my crush on Ana... I bet you can already guess that's the table we built. I say we lightly. My amazing hubs built it.

It really did go pretty smoothly with a good amount of effort.
Originally he told me that he refused to use plans, that he has too much pride. Okay maybe he didn't say the latter. But I convinced him that for the sake of time, we should just use the plans.
He did use a lot more reinforcement than the plans suggest. I bet Ana White doesn't plan on having her furniture thrown around by movers every few years. We do. Bring in the reinforcement.

And we had a little visitor. Creep. Rusty was extremely interested. I was not interested in that. I'm learning that Georgia is home to many disgusting slimy creatures.

Oh! It's starting to look like a table, and I'm getting really anxious! Stop enjoying that hard earned beer!! Just kidding.

And then he asked me, "did you want a bench, too?"
Do I want a bench!? DO I WANT A BENCH!!!!

Miss T approves of the bench.
I love my husband of many talents!! His work here is done. He has passed the torch. The rest is up to me... 

Thursday, August 29, 2013

We made it? We made it!

Well, as most of you know - we finally made it to our new house nestled in the most beautiful town in Georgia. I can honestly say I have NO complaints about it here so far. I had a lot of terrible reviews about it here from multiple fellow AF spouses, but I've come to conclude that a.) they always need something to complain about (very common) or b.) they are the big city type. On the other hand I a.) always am looking for something NOT to complain about and b.) am a small town girl.

Seriously people. I would eventually love to hang this in my bathroom so I can see it every morning.

OH YEAH. Speaking of that bathroom (well the whole house really), I know you're dying to see pictures of it all. Unfortunately since we arrived Wednesday night and our mounds of stuff arrived Thursday bright and early I didn't get any pictures of the place empty and in it's glory.

I DO have pictures that the previous owner took (a fellow AF spouse and amazing photographer). Those pictures hide somewhere deep in the dusty memory of the desktop which is in pieces in one of these rooms. So I promise when I get it all set up, it will be the first thing I post.

In the mean time, I already started a project. SAY WHAT?! I was feigning like a fat kid for cake to start a project, ANY project.

Once apon a time, I purchased some Adirondack chairs for, are you sitting down, ONE DOLLAR a piece. Yes, I took all five of them. The catch? Some dog had taken his boredom out on most of the arms and some of the back pieces. But don't you fear - I have this amazing husband who is cutting new pieces for me. And of course I MUST repaint them.

I'll leave you with a photo of the mess in the making. I'm leaning more towards the color on the right. What do you think?

Thursday, July 11, 2013

We're still alive!

I know, I know. Things have been crazy hectic. But I'm slowly realizing that unless I find the time to write 10+ emails a week, I should really keep up with this darn thing!

Plus there's lots to keep up with! I'll give you a quick rundown of the most exciting things going on lately.

I spent 5 weeks back in the states, buying a beautiful house and spending much needed time with friends and family.

We rode really funny 4 person bikes in Seoul and laughed until our sides hurt.

I spent a week in Okinawa, Japan with some really good friends. Getting tan and talking girl talk.

I sewed to my hearts content and finally used a pattern I've been obsessed with forever.

Clay threw Barbie off the 10th floor while babysitting.

I spent an afternoon baking strawberry rhubarb pie thanks to my newfound obsession (thanks Grandma!)
We've been saying lots of good-byes to some amazing friends we've made here at Osan.
And we enjoyed another Korean baseball game.
As for the upcoming?!... well, I'm sitting here typing while 3 old Korean men pack up all of my Korean purses, my sewing machine and fabric and all of our traveling mementos.
So what am I going to do for two more weeks, you ask... Thankfully this guy is coming to visit me!
I'll be back sooner this time - I PROMISE!