Saturday, January 4, 2014

Happy New Year to you!

I hope you all wrapped up 2013 spending time with some of the people you love the most. I did! It's been a very hectic last couple of months
- my mom came to visit and helped me explore my new town and get my house in order,
- my best friend came to visit and helped me drink a lot of cocktails while decorating my office and we travelled to Savannah. I cannot wait to go back!
- I ran this Tough Mudder race which was an amazing experience. I (predictably) signed up without fully understanding what I was getting in to; I'm so glad I did. I'm already itching to sign up for another one. Wanna go with me?
- I visited my in-laws in Tennessee for Thanksgiving and ate some amazing food and enjoyed the company so much
- I visited a friend's family in Florida, visited my husbands grandparents while in Florida and got a really nice winter tan in the process
- And then I drove 14.5 hours to San Antonio to spend time with my family there. One of the highlights was spending the day with my brother at his job as an EMT for Austin. It was quite eye opening and a great opportunity to see him be a grown up.
Time is flying, and I can't complain. Things are only going to speed up from here. I'm starting school to complete my masters program in a couple weeks, I hope to visit more family in NC and my project list is exponentially growing.
Did you guys make resolution lists this year? I typically don't. But during my countless hours on the road in the last month I realized that the word resolution almost sets me up for failure. 25 years in to this life it's going to be awfully hard to break habits or gain talents cold turkey. Instead, I feel like I'm going to set goals for myself. You may think they're the same thing. Who knows. I just know it makes me feel more optimistic to set goals for myself instead of trying to "resolve" pieces of my life.
Anyway, I'm going to share them with you. Because people say you should share your goals to make you accountable. And who else to hold me accountable but you. And by you, I mean probably just my mom (I think she's the only one who reads this).
In 2014 I hope to:
Do something creative every day.
Get A's in all of my courses.
 Master my yoga handstand.
Create 1 quilt per month.
Run a 1/2 marathon.
Alright there it is. It looks a lot more intimidating on the computer screen.
I already did my creative deed for the day. I treated myself to a Silhouette machine over the holidays and this was my first time to use it. It helped me to cut out all the letters on my wreath above. I just love it. I can't wait to find out what else I can make with it.
Happy New Years and cheers!


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