Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Labor Day weekend project

We had FOUR whole days together over this Labor Day weekend; did you for a second think we would spend it not working on a project? I didn't think so.
Let me start by showing you the space we are starting with; the dining room.  Mind you, the amazing photographer that moved out of this house took these photos, maybe I'll try to get some without the watermark...
  I dreamt of a farmhouse style table for. ev. er. And this space is just asking for one. 
I drooled for days, months actually, over this table by Ana White (seriously if you haven't opened up her blog, do it. now.) She is amazing. Now on my list of people I would love to take some lessons from. Thankfully she publishes her blog for free!
Now, enough of my crush on Ana... I bet you can already guess that's the table we built. I say we lightly. My amazing hubs built it.

It really did go pretty smoothly with a good amount of effort.
Originally he told me that he refused to use plans, that he has too much pride. Okay maybe he didn't say the latter. But I convinced him that for the sake of time, we should just use the plans.
He did use a lot more reinforcement than the plans suggest. I bet Ana White doesn't plan on having her furniture thrown around by movers every few years. We do. Bring in the reinforcement.

And we had a little visitor. Creep. Rusty was extremely interested. I was not interested in that. I'm learning that Georgia is home to many disgusting slimy creatures.

Oh! It's starting to look like a table, and I'm getting really anxious! Stop enjoying that hard earned beer!! Just kidding.

And then he asked me, "did you want a bench, too?"
Do I want a bench!? DO I WANT A BENCH!!!!

Miss T approves of the bench.
I love my husband of many talents!! His work here is done. He has passed the torch. The rest is up to me... 


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