Thursday, August 29, 2013

We made it? We made it!

Well, as most of you know - we finally made it to our new house nestled in the most beautiful town in Georgia. I can honestly say I have NO complaints about it here so far. I had a lot of terrible reviews about it here from multiple fellow AF spouses, but I've come to conclude that a.) they always need something to complain about (very common) or b.) they are the big city type. On the other hand I a.) always am looking for something NOT to complain about and b.) am a small town girl.

Seriously people. I would eventually love to hang this in my bathroom so I can see it every morning.

OH YEAH. Speaking of that bathroom (well the whole house really), I know you're dying to see pictures of it all. Unfortunately since we arrived Wednesday night and our mounds of stuff arrived Thursday bright and early I didn't get any pictures of the place empty and in it's glory.

I DO have pictures that the previous owner took (a fellow AF spouse and amazing photographer). Those pictures hide somewhere deep in the dusty memory of the desktop which is in pieces in one of these rooms. So I promise when I get it all set up, it will be the first thing I post.

In the mean time, I already started a project. SAY WHAT?! I was feigning like a fat kid for cake to start a project, ANY project.

Once apon a time, I purchased some Adirondack chairs for, are you sitting down, ONE DOLLAR a piece. Yes, I took all five of them. The catch? Some dog had taken his boredom out on most of the arms and some of the back pieces. But don't you fear - I have this amazing husband who is cutting new pieces for me. And of course I MUST repaint them.

I'll leave you with a photo of the mess in the making. I'm leaning more towards the color on the right. What do you think?


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