Thursday, July 11, 2013

We're still alive!

I know, I know. Things have been crazy hectic. But I'm slowly realizing that unless I find the time to write 10+ emails a week, I should really keep up with this darn thing!

Plus there's lots to keep up with! I'll give you a quick rundown of the most exciting things going on lately.

I spent 5 weeks back in the states, buying a beautiful house and spending much needed time with friends and family.

We rode really funny 4 person bikes in Seoul and laughed until our sides hurt.

I spent a week in Okinawa, Japan with some really good friends. Getting tan and talking girl talk.

I sewed to my hearts content and finally used a pattern I've been obsessed with forever.

Clay threw Barbie off the 10th floor while babysitting.

I spent an afternoon baking strawberry rhubarb pie thanks to my newfound obsession (thanks Grandma!)
We've been saying lots of good-byes to some amazing friends we've made here at Osan.
And we enjoyed another Korean baseball game.
As for the upcoming?!... well, I'm sitting here typing while 3 old Korean men pack up all of my Korean purses, my sewing machine and fabric and all of our traveling mementos.
So what am I going to do for two more weeks, you ask... Thankfully this guy is coming to visit me!
I'll be back sooner this time - I PROMISE!


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